Energy Generation

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Concentrated Solar

Concentrating solar power (CSP) plants use mirrors to concentrate the sun's energy to drive traditional steam turbines that in turn drive electricity generators. The thermal energy concentrated in a CSP plant can be also stored and used to produce electricity when it is needed, day or night. Today (mid 2020), roughly 1,815 megawatts (MWac) of CSP plants are in operation in the United States.

The Solar Energy Industry Association provides many details:

Concentrated Solar Power


There are four approaches to utilizing solar power each have their own pros and cons.

Utility Solar

Where big utility companies build big solar panel farms and wind farms with associated storage. Such installations require expensive transmission lines and large load control systems.

Municipal Solar

Where cities and towns get together to build renewable energy installations to serve a single municipality. This may be the sweet spot where power is distributed locally, without the requirement for expensive transmission lines and management control systems are only needed once.

Community Solar

Where local communities get together to build renewable energy installations to serve them. Community land may be at a premium that could limit available space.

Residential Solar

Where individual home owners and businesses install their own solar panels, storage (infrequent) and controls. Costly transmission lines are avoided but the investment in control systems per kwh generated makes this option less desirable than municipal solar.


Geothermal energy is heat from the Earth. It's relatively clean and sustainable. Resources of geothermal energy range from the shallow ground to steam, hot water, and hot rock accessed by drilling wells up to thousands of feet beneath the Earth's surface. The extremely high temperatures in the deeper geothermal reservoirs are used for the generation of electricity. Two approaches can be used Hot Dry Rock Geothermal vs Hot Wet Rock Geothermal, the latter can bring up dissolved minerals that may need careful handling for toxicity and corrosiveness. See:

Geothermal Energy Potential: State of New Mexico

Los Alamos National Labs tested geothermal sources but the facility is reportedly now closed. Work on Hot Dry Rock at LANL is reported at:

[ "Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Energy Development in the USA" - David Duchane and Donald Brown

The Nuclear Power Dilemma

From the Union of Concerned Scientists:

"Nuclear Power & Global Warming" - May 22, 2015 updated Nov 8, 2018
"The Nuclear Power Dilemma Declining Profits, Plant Closures, and the Threat of Rising Carbon Emissions" - Oct 9, 2018

who expect nuclear power to play a role with increased safeguards, from Nov 2018. Some quotes:

“Without new policies, natural gas and coal will fill the void. Closing unprofitable and marginal at-risk plants early could result in a 4 to 6 percent increase in US power sector emissions. [my emphasis]”

UCS Recommendations

If the current situation continues, more nuclear power plants will likely close and be replaced primarily by natural gas, causing emissions to rise. Policymakers should consider the following recommendations as they think about how to respond:

  • We need carbon pricing. A robust, economy-wide cap or price on carbon emissions would help provide a level playing field for all low-carbon technologies.
  • We need a low-carbon electricity standard. A well-designed LCES could prevent the early closure of nuclear power plants while supporting the growth of other low carbon technologies.
  • Financial support for nuclear plants should be conditioned on consumer protection, safety requirements, and investments in renewables and energy efficiency. Policymakers considering temporary financial support to avoid the early closure of nuclear plants should couple that support with strong clean energy policies, efforts to limit rate increases to consumers, and rigorous safety, security, and performance requirements.

See the full report:

"The Nuclear Power Dilemma" - November 2018