Energy Storage

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Hydrogen Energy Storage

Videos from CNBC:

Sustainable Energy YouTube Channel

Why hydrogen is becoming a big deal, CNBC

Why hydrogen is becoming a big deal, part one | Sustainable Energy duration 15:49
Why hydrogen is becoming a big deal, part two | Sustainable Energy duration 10:38

Gravity Energy Storage

Energy Vault


Ares Systems

Rail based gravity system – reverse electrification (3rd rail)

Chemical Energy Storage


Extracting clean fuel from sunlight, - Richard Harth, Arizona State University - September 3, 2019

“In new research appearing in the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS), the flagship journal of the ACS, lead author Brian Wadsworth, along with colleagues Anna Beiler, Diana Khusnutdinova, Edgar Reyes Cruz, and corresponding author Gary Moore describe technologies that combine light-gathering semiconductors and catalytic materials capable of chemical reactions that produce clean fuel.”

Compressed Air Energy Storage

Industrial development of compressed air energy storage (CAES) has made some advances. Since the 1870’s, CAES systems have been deployed to provide effective, on-demand energy for cities and industries. While many smaller applications exist, the first utility-scale CAES system was put in place in the 1970’s with over 290 MW nameplate capacity. Care has to be taken since compressing air heats it up and releasing the pressure cools it down. Thermodynamics have to be managed carefully to the decompress phase doesn't require fuels to heat it up.

Unfortunately, large-scale CAES plants are very energy inefficient. Compressing and decompressing air introduces energy losses, resulting in an electric-to-electric efficiency of only 40-52%, compared to 70-85% for pumped hydropower plants, and 70-90% for chemical batteries.

See: "Ditch the Batteries: Off-Grid Compressed Air Energy Storage" - Low-Tech Magazine - no date.

Aluminum-air Flow Batteries

"A novel catalyst for high-energy aluminum-air flow batteries" - - Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology - Oct 15, 2018