Scientific Journal Publications

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Scientific Journal Publications

This section contains publications from scientific peer reviewed journals that are applicable to climate disruption.

Climate Change Modeling

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Renewable Electric Grid Modeling

Impacts of Green New Deal Energy Plans on Grid Stability, Costs, Jobs, Health, and Climate in 143 Countries, Jacobson (2019) [1]
Summary: This paper looks at a high level world model of an wind, water, and sunlight only electric grid, and the resources needed for 80% by 2030, and 100% by 2050.

100% Clean and Renewable Wind, Water, and Sunlight All-Sector Energy Roadmaps for 139 Countries of the World", Jacobson (2017) [2]

100% clean and renewable wind, water, and sunlight (WWS) all-sector energy roadmaps for the 50 United States, Jacobson (2015) [3]
Summary: This paper looks at a medium granularity US model of 100% wind, water, and sunlight only electric grid. The paper identifies the amount of resources needed, and some novel technologies. The resource model is somewhat general and is a base to improve upon.

Evaluation of Jacobson's proposal for reliable low-cost grid power with 100% wind, water, and solar, Clark (2017)[4]
Summary: A paper with constructive criticism of Jacobson's 2015 US WWS paper. Modeling areas that can be improved are identified.

Renewable Energy Resources

Land-Use Requirements for Solar Power Plants in the United States, NREL (2013)[5]
Summary - Provides statistics on the ratio of land to power generated for different solar generation technologies.

Regenerative Farming

Industrial Replacement

Carbon Sequestration