The Problem

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History of Carbon Dioxide as a Greenhouse Gas

- The female scientist who identified the greenhouse-gas effect never got the credit - Quartz - Akshat Rathi - May 14 2014
- This Lady Scientist Defined the Greenhouse Effect But Didn’t Get the Credit, Because Sexism - Smisthsonian - Leila McNeill - December 2016
  • 1859 - John Tyndall - confirmed the greenhouse effect of atmospheric CO2
  • 1896 - Svante Arrhenius - estimated the effect of rising CO2 levels on increasing global temperatures.

Background to the Crisis

The IPCC's '1.5 Degree Report' paints a dire picture that suggests we must fundamentally change the nature of society in the next 11 yrs 6 mo (mid 2019) See the following publications:

“Devastating UN Report: CO2 Emissions Must Go to Zero By 2050 to Avoid Worst Effects of Climate Change”
“IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5ºC” released in October 2018
“IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land (SRCCL)” released in August 2019
“IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate” (pdf) released in September 2019

We nearly did something 30 years ago, see:

“Losing Earth”

but were thwarted in the 80’s by the API and the fossil fuel industry that paid a few climate denier/skeptics to write editorials to raise doubt and undermine support for any policies which would affect their bottom line, when in fact it had been pretty much settled science at the time. See:

“Losing Earth: A Recent History” - Nathan Rich – Macmillan – April 2019.
“An Exxon-Owned Firm Figured Out How to Curb CO2 in 1991” - Bloomberg – Dec 2019

But the media has been complacent too, see;

“The Media Are Complacent While the World Burns” - The Nation, Apr 2019, Mark Hertsgaard and Kyle Pope

Job One for Humanity has lots of general information at:

To learn more, read the not-for-late-night reading:

“The Uninhabitable Earth” – David Wallace-Wells – Penguin Random House – Feb 2019

perhaps summarized in;

“Facing Extinction” - Catherine Ingram website.

and an update:

“Climate Change Is Accelerating: ‘Things Are Getting Worse” - New York Times - Dec 2019


“The End of Ice” – Dahr Jamail – The New Press – Jan 2019

Jamail uses the term ‘climate disruption’ a lot when he describes one man’s intimate experience with nature and the visible impact of climate change on glacial retreat, deforestation, coral reefs bleaching, etc.

or any of these:

"Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out?” – Bill McKibben – Henry Holt & Co – Apr 2019
“Storming The Wall: Climate Change, Migration and Homeland Security” – Todd Miller – Sept 2017
“This Civilisation Is Finished: Conversations on the End of Empire - And What Lies Beyond” – Rupert Read, Samuel Alexander - Simplicity Institute – May 2019
“On Fire: - The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal” – Naomi Klein - Simon & Schuster – Sept. 2019
"Grass Roots Rising" - Chelsea Green Publishing - Ronnie Cummins - Feb. 2020

Then there is the report from Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) that predicts that a million species are currently (May 2019) threatened with extinction at:

Media Release: Nature’s Dangerous Decline ‘Unprecedented’; Species Extinction Rates ‘Accelerating’

One story on what Exxon knew in 1982 but didn’t share;

“Exxon Predicted 2019’s Ominous CO2 Milestone in 1982” - Gizmodo - May 2019

The Origin of the 12 Year Timeline

The 12 years in which we have to act started in October 2018. See:

"What Does '12 Years to Act on Climate Change'" (Now 11 Years) Really Mean? - Inside Climate News - Aug 27, 2019
"The number began drawing attention in 2018, when the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a report describing what it would take to keep global temperatures from rising more than 1.5 degrees Celsius, a goal of the Paris climate agreement. The report explained that countries would have to cut their anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, such as from power plants and vehicles, to net zero by around 2050. To reach that goal, it said, CO2 emissions would have to start dropping "well before 2030" and be on a path to fall by about 45 percent by around 2030 (12 years away at that time)."

The Keeling Curve

From Scripps Institution of Oceanography:

“Scripps scientists measured a record level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere: 415 parts per million, on Sunday, May 12, 2019. This daily record, the Keeling Curve, is considered the foundation of modern climate change research. Geochemist Charles David Keeling joined Scripps in 1956 and built a manometer and other equipment to isolate the carbon dioxide in air samples. In 1958, the average carbon dioxide concentration of the first measurement was 316.16 parts per million. In 2013, the CO2 concentration surpassed 400 ppm for the first time in human history.”

Temperature Curves

NASA recent data covers the period from 1880 to 2020.


Global average temperatures (the past 2000 yrs) show that the Medieval Warm Period was not a planet-wide phenomenon, and that the Little Ice Age was not a distinct planet-wide time period but rather the end of a long temperature decline that preceded recent global warming.

1920px-2000+ year global temperature including Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age - Ed Hawkins.svg.png

Non CO2 Greenhouse Gasses (GHG)

Major Greenhouse Gasses - can arise from a wide variety of sources, both natural and artificial.

  • Refrigerants - used as a heat transfer fluid in air conditioning systems, vehicular, residential and industrial.
  • Methane Emissions - arise from fracking, oil production, permafrost melting, ocean methane hydrates, decomposition of wastes, agriculture.
  • Nitrous Oxide, N2O - a pollutant from agriculture and industry which additionally scrubs Ozone from the atmosphere.

For more information:

NOAA discussion on Greenhouse Gasses


Working on cutting the use of refrigerants has been identified as the No. 1 solution in Project Drawdown. Refrigerants can have a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 2000 to 3000; CO2 has a GWP of 1 by definition. More information is available under Drawdown Projects in New Mexico. Ironically, CO2 can also be used as a refrigerant.

Methane Emissions

For background information see:

"What is methane and why does it matter" - Rocky Mountain Institute – January 8, 2020

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center develops 3D Modeling of methane emissions world-wide as reported:

"New 3-D view of methane tracks sources" - - Ellen Gray – Mar 23, 2020:

Today, about 60 percent of the methane in the atmosphere comes from sources scientists think of as human caused, while the rest comes from sources that existed before humans started influencing the carbon cycle in dramatic ways. See:

"Methane, explained" - National Geographic - Alejandra Borunda -Jan 23, 2019

Methane Hydrate

Methane hydrate is an ice-like substance formed when CH4 and water combine at low temperature (up to ~25ºC) and moderate pressure (greater than 3-5 MPa, which corresponds to combined water and sediment depths of 300 to 500 m). Globally, an estimated 99% of gas hydrates occurs in the sediments of marine continental margins at saturations as high as 20% to 80% in some lithologies; the remaining 1% is mostly associated with sediments in and beneath areas of high-latitude, continuous permafrost. See:

"Methane Hydrates and Contemporary Climate Change" - Nature: The Knowledge Project - Carolyn D. Ruppel

Enormous amounts of methane hydrate have been found beneath Arctic permafrost, beneath Antarctic ice, and in sedimentary deposits along continental margins worldwide.

Several other names are commonly used for methane hydrate. These include: methane clathrate, hydromethane, methane ice, fire ice, natural gas hydrate, and gas hydrate. Most methane hydrate deposits also contain small amounts of other hydrocarbon hydrates. These include propane hydrate and ethane hydrate. See:

"Methane Hydrate: The world's largest natural gas resource is trapped beneath permafrost and ocean sediments" - - Hobart M. King

Agricultural Methane

The biggest source of agricultural methane emissions is enteric fermentation, which is the digestive process by which microbes in the guts of ruminant livestock break down plant matter, enabling it to be absorbed into the animals’ bloodstream, and producing methane as a by-product. Almost 30% of total anthropogenic methane in 2012, or about two thirds of the agricultural total, is from this source. Significant amounts of methane are also emitted where rice is grown in flooded paddies (11% total anthropogenic methane in 2012), where the anaerobic conditions facilitate microbial methane-generation similarly to natural wetlands. A third major source of agricultural methane emissions arises from losses of organic matter in manures (from both ruminant and non-ruminant livestock) (3% total anthropogenic methane in 2012), and a small amount of methane is emitted from the burning of agricultural wastes (0.5%). See:

"Agricultural methane and its role as a greenhouse gas" - Food Climate Research Network - June 11, 2019


Scientists have measured big increases in the amount of methane, the powerful global warming gas, entering the atmosphere over the last decade. Cows or wetlands have been fingered as possible sources, but new research points to methane emissions from fossil fuel production—mainly from shale gas operations in the United States and Canada—as the culprit. See:

"Fracking boom tied to methane spike in Earth’s atmosphere" - National Geographic - Stephen Leahy - August 15, 2019
"Fracking False Promise: A Just Transition to a Sustainable Economy for New Mexico" - 350 New Mexico - Tom Solomon - April 23, 2020 (slide deck)

New Mexico's Problem

New Mexico has some of the worst clouds of methane emissions from oil & gas activities. Efforts are underway to develop rules for the O&G industry. A list of peer-reviewed articles outlining the issue of methane emissions has been collected by the New Mexico Environment Department. See:

List of Methane Emissions Studies as provided by interested parties to NMED and EMNRD

For more information on problems specific to New Mexico see: Four Corners Methane Hot Spot and Permian Basin Methane Leaks.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide (N2O) has a 100 year Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 289 and it also depletes the ozone layer. Agricultural sources account for 74% of all sources. Nitrous Oxide constitutes about 6% (by weight) of GHG emissions in the US. See:

"What Is Nitrous Oxide and Why Is It a Climate Threat?" - Inside Climate News - Sabrina Shankman - September 11, 2019

Water Vapor

Water vapor itself, i.e. gaseous water, is also a weak green house gas. It really only becomes a problem with runaway global warming when the seas begin to evaporate, causing feedback and more global warming. This mechanism is believed to be behind Venus' high surface temperatures that melt lead. See:

Climate Change Connection

Nature's Feedback Loops (aka Tipping Points)

As global temperatures rise, nature has its own contributions to make to greenhouse gas emissions. These feedback loops once triggered are almost if not impossible to reverse.

  • Wildfires - wildfires are more likely as temperatures rise and vegetation dries, adding CO2 to the atmosphere and more temperature rise.
  • Carbon deposits on Ice - carbon from wildfires settles on ice reducing its ability to reflect the sun's heat, raising temperatures.
  • Melting Polar Ice Caps - exposed oceans are dark compared to ice, allowing more of the sun's energy to be absorbed raising temperatures.
  • Ocean Methane Hydrates - warming oceans release methane from melting methane hydrates.
  • Melting Permafrost - warming permafrost releases more methane and CO2 as vegetation decomposes.
  • Ocean Currents - disturbed ocean currents bring warmer waters to melt polar ice caps.

Impacts On Life As We Know It

Elements of Chaos

(list taken after Elements of Chaos in the Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells)

  1. Heat Death (hyperthermia, heat stroke)
  2. Hunger (food shortages and falling crop yields)
  3. Drowning (rising seas and flooding)
  4. Wildfire
  5. ‘Natural’ Disasters (tornados, hurricanes)
  6. Freshwater (glacial melting)
  7. Oceans (pH, food chain)
  8. Air Quality (fires)
  9. Plagues
  10. Economic Collapse
  11. Conflict (wars)

Impacts on Mental Health

‘Overwhelming and terrifying’: the rise of climate anxiety - The Guardian, Feb 10, 2020

Impacts on Human Rights Issues

The UN, Office of the High Commission on Human Rights recognizes the need to integrate human rights into climate crisis solutions, see:

"OHCHR's role in promoting rights-based climate action"


"Climate Change and Human Rights" - United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in cooperation with the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University in the City of New York - December 2015
" ...climate change will have a profound effect on the enjoyment of human rights for individuals and communities across the planet. This is not merely an abstract, future possibility. Climate change is already affecting temperatures, hydrologic conditions, ecosystem functioning, and agricultural productivity in many regions. Displacement is also an imminent prospect for some communities, such as those situated in the rapidly melting Arctic and low-lying coastal areas."

We have attempted to look at the broad spectrum of Human Rights issues (aka Social Justice) to evaluate how they may be impacted by the worst of the climate crisis under a "Business As Usual" scenario. While speculative, classification of impacts reflects the risk that global warming has immediate (primary) and subsequential consequences (secondary and tertiary). Primary impacts are a direct result of rising CO2 levels and rising temperatures. Secondary impacts come about as a result of climate changes and the effect on human society. Tertiary impacts tend to cover how we respond to the effects of global warming.

Human Rights Issue Possible Impacts of the Climate Crisis Impact Level
Abortion Rights Access to women's right to abortion will tend to be overshadowed by social unrest triggered by global warming. Shortages of resources in general raises the risk of losing health care resources that supply safe abortion facilities. Secondary
Clean Air and Water Global warming affects water supplies via snow pack depletion and increasing in drought conditions. Co-emissions (e.g. particulates) with greenhouse gases further pollute the air. Primary
Domestic abuse Global warming will stress society in a number of ways, via food shortages, water shortages and exacerbated ‘natural’ disasters. Tempers are more likely to flare and domestic violence likely to increase. Employment levels will likely be impacted adding to societal stress. Secondary
Drug trafficking Funds to fight the effects of the climate crisis will redirect funds away from fighting drug trafficking. Secondary
Education Funds to fight the effects of the climate crisis will redirect funds away from improving education systems and institutions. Secondary
Freedom of religion Global warming will stress society in a number of ways with divisive and discriminatory practices putting blame on ethnic and religious groups exacerbating religious intolerance. Tertiary
Gun Violence/Control Global warming will stress society in a number of ways, tempers will flare and disputes will result more frequently with gun violence. Ultimately, as society begins to break down, gangs and militia will impose local governance with the power of the gun. Tertiary
Human trafficking Funds to fight the effects of the climate crisis will redirect funds away from fighting Human Trafficking. Tertiary
Hunger/Famine Food shortages and higher prices will expand the number of disadvantaged that go hungry. Large scale hunger (famine) will cause civil unrest and potentially civil wars. Secondary
Immigration As the climate warms, more places will become intolerably hot, under water or devastated by ‘natural’ disasters. International and domestic human migration away from these areas will put pressure on neighboring more livable areas and generate social unrest and potentially civil and international wars. Primary
Income inequality Those with resources will be better able to respond to the worst effects of the climate crisis, being more mobile they can escape areas most affected. However, gated communities in cooler climes for example may risk becoming targets of social unrest. Global warming will risk economic disruption so whether the injustices of income inequality are ameliorated or exacerbated is too hard to predict. Tertiary
LGBTQ LGBTQ inequalities will tend to be overshadowed by social unrest triggered by global warming. Shortages of resources in general raises the risk of more LGBTQ injustices. Tertiary
Net Neutrality Net Neutrality issues will be sidelined as nations impose more controls over the internet in order to manage increasing social unrest triggered by global warming Tertiary
Poverty The lack of resources among the poor will limit their ability to respond to global warming resulting in social unrest. More to the point as areas of the world become uninhabitable and suffers from drought conditions, more people will fall into poverty. Secondary
Prison Reform Prison populations could explode as global warming disenfranchises the poor and racial minorities, generating social unrest. Generally tho’, prisons will not be able to accommodate a rising ‘criminal’ class. Either laws will be relaxed or prison crowding will become critical. Tertiary
Racial Discrimination, Racism As sea levels rise and other areas become uninhabitable food and water supplies will be impacted with the burden falling disproportionately on communities of color and the disadvantaged. These communities having fewer resources will have fewer ways to respond. Shortages of resources in general raises the risk of more racial injustices. Secondary
Refugees See immigration. Primary
Universal Health Care Health Care (including Women's Health) inequalities will increase as social unrest rises and puts pressure on the ability of health care institutions to deliver their service. Tertiary
Voting Voting suppression and inequalities will increase in authoritarian states as they respond to social unrest triggered by global warming. Alternatively, the same social unrest may swing in the opposite direction and dethrone authoritarians and restore voting rights. Current turmoil makes this too hard to predict. Tertiary
Women's Health See Universal Health Care Tertiary

Generally, the impact of global warming seems to be deep and wide making the problems with most other social justice issues more severe.